Merry Christmas Mom & Dad. I was just thinking about home, so I thought I would write a letter. I’ve been a pretty good boy this Christmas. I went three masses yesterday and two today. Not bad, eh?
What was Christmas like it at home? Did you have a nice time? We had a tree. I thought it was going to be a bare tree, but the people in the village started giving us trimmings so by the time we had everything put on the tree it look pretty.
Christmas was just about the same as any other day here. We had a swell dinner though. Turkey with all the trimmings.
Last night one of my boyfriends and I went out scouting & patrolling. We would stop in front of every house that had a light shining from the window and sing Christmas carols. We had to sing in front of a lot of houses before we got into one, ha, ha. We had a nice time though, and they served as hot wine and cookies.
Boy it’s really getting cold here now. It is stopped raining and that’s the main thing. I have a few of your letters here to answer. That dates run from Nov 20, 24, 28 – Dec 2, 5, 7, 9, 15. Did I ever tell you I received the film you sent me. Then I wrote home to have dad write to me & then I get a letter from him. Boy I’ll be glad when I get home so we will all be together again. I have mailed a box home & there’s some papers and there that I don’t want anyone to ever look at. So when you take them out of the box put them away someplace where no one can get them till I get home. Now Please for a favor to me, please don’t look at it. I have it wrapped up in the bottom of the box with string around it. Boy was I surprised to hear that John Collins was getting married. He’s really a swell kid though. So they finally got Gus in the army. Well it’s a shame with the two kids and all, but that’s life. Too bad about Ormand, but I had a letter from him & he’s getting along swell now. Well mom about this Rita deal. When I don’t know what to tell you. If I was home maybe I could work it out okea, but I’m afraid I’m losing all interest in Rita. I don’t think she
would make me a good wife in the first place. She’s a swell girl, but I’m afraid she’s not for me. I don’t think you know much about Pat Smith, and I don’t want you to say anything to any one or even mention her name to anyone, because talked causes a lot of trouble, and anything could happen after I get home. But Pat has been very faithful in writing. She’s a very sensible girl and not spend thrifty like Rita. She wrote me the other day and said she was leaving to cook, and also a few other things that a good wife should know. I’m telling you these things because you are my mother and I wanted you to know how I felt. Before you have told me to forget Rita, and I wouldn’t do it. She has broken my heart too many times. I don’t know what you think of
this, but I thought I would tell you. Pat’s very sensible about it and does say much about it. She’s like me, we will just have to wait until I get home and see what happens. You always said that I deserve the best. Well she rates pretty high with me at the present time. I hate it more than anything, as Mrs. Fleshner has been so good to me. But I am not daring her, and I’m afraid she has spoiled her daughter. Remember you have told me it’s my life and I must live it. It’s not worth worrying over now though because too many things can happen. Write and tell me what you think, because Mother always knows best. By By two you both, and I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Your Son
so did he end up marrying either of those girls?
Actually, yes. He married Rita Fleshner, my mom.