Dear Mother & Dad,
Here goes another letter and I hope you can make some sense out of it. We had a storm the other night and boy did it ever rain. We are sleeping in the big supply tent and it is a tent that had already been salvaged. I don’t think you could find a dry place in it. We really got a big kick out of it. We spent most of the night trying to find a place to lay where the water or rain wouldn’t come through on you. We would lay one way and then the rain would come through on you and all we could do was lay there and laugh. We felt like pitching our shelter half on the inside to keep dry. What I mean it really rained all night long. I was warm in m sleeping bag though. I hope you received my Christmas letter in time to wish you all a Merry Christmas & Happy New Year. I will try to write you a couple of letters a week. I have been neglecting you for a while but I will try and do better. Good by and I will be thinking & loving you both. Say hello to everyone for me.
Your Son “Chick”
Your Son, ‘Chick’