Here is the way that I have received your letters, and I will answer all of the questions I can. In some of your letters you have asked me the same question over and over so I will just skip though those. Here is the way the letters came and that I have on hand at present. Feb 9, 11, 12, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, Dads 20, 21, 22 card, 22, 24, 25, 26, 28, March 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 18.
Yes I hear how little Marry is getting along in school. She writes to me quite often. She sure wishes she was back home going to school. I would have liked to have been home for that snow. All of the snow I have seen this year has been on mountain tops. All of you and the weige board must have some time together, ha ha. I get quite a kick out of it. Clark’s picture that I sent two you was an an envelope. He is sitting in a jeep. Yes I got a few Valentines. I had to laugh when you told me that Mrs. Nelson thought bud was on that ship that was lost. You should know by now that the Army and Navy never disclose anything for a couple of months after in has happened, and Bud had just left the states. Looked how long it took before they told where we were at. Mother, any one with the same APO# as mine is in the same division that I am. It is hard to get to see one another during combat but after
combat I can’t look them up. Send me John Murry’s address again I have lost to the one I have. Well dad how did you make out in your pools. Boy Champaign must have had a good team this year.
By moms letters I guess you wished I was home to shovel the snow off the sidewalks. Well by now you must have planted your grass seed. You should hear me brag you up to the fellows here on your lawns. I tell them you have they prettiest lawns in the whole neighborhood which you do have. Tell all of the gang up at the store hello for me. Bet the kitchen look swell since you fixed it up. Why don’t you take some of my money and fix all of the windows. Those blinds make a house look really pretty. You wrote and told me of the Laws boy injury. I knew about it a long time ago but you see I am unable to write anything like that in the mail. I ran into one of the Fellows from his outfit the next day after it happened. Let me know if he comes back again to his outfit and maybe I’ll be able to see him. He made a comeback though.
Thanks a million for your card, it was swell of you & dad to send it. Remember I told you not to get your hopes up to high about this coming homed deel. I’m afraid a big stink will have to be raised before we ever get to come home. At the rate they go it will be 20 years before I make it, ha ha. Yes, the Italians take our money money from us so that’s why I never send anything home. They want too much. The spreads that I sent home now sells for about $50.00 and one not as good as the others I sent home. My spreads came from Caserta, a town outside of Naples. I bought them just before we crossed the Volturno River. They just happen to make them in the town, I was pretty lucky. You see when we take a town things that they have to sell are cheap but all of the good things are gone or hidden. Well we move on and then they bring that out of hiding. By the time we get a rest and come back to these towns the prices are sky high. So I never buy anything. I was sure tickled to hear that Es was getting along okay. She is so thin that I worry about her each time she gets sick.
Poor Bud, he has a lot to learn before he gets to come home. So he is not crazy about England, ha ha He should have been the places I have. Then he really would gripe. So far I don’t mind it so much, but I am beginning to get tired of Italy. Bernard must have a real business built up. I’m glad he was different. Yes I received the popcorn, filters, comics, marshmallows, pipe and pipe cleaners and tobacco pouch, pouch and piper. The pipes I sold got $40.00 out of them, and put it in soldiers deposit. I should write Mrs. Fleshner but some how I never find time. Tell her hello and that she is still tops with me. Tell her I think of her a lot even though I don’t write. The reason Gee was fooled because Snook didn’t come in till after the beachhead had already been established. I’m glad to hear that you your leg is getting better. Take it easy mom and rest all of you can . I’ll be home one of these days and then I’ll take care of you. You won’t have to worry about me getting out of your site because I won’t let you or dad out of my mine. Guess this is all for now so will close. Goodbye to you both and I love you from the bottom of my heart.
Your Son,