Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
Feb 13, 1943 Saturday
Not much happened today. We had a inspection of equipment this morning and then had the afternoon off. I played Pinochle in the afternoon and won $1.65. In the evening will still played more cards.
Feb 12, 1943 – Friday
Today was salvage day and with having salvage to take care of and typing out forms, I was kept busy all day. HQ platoon played five volleyball games and won every one. Quite surprising in the evening we played Pinnacle.
Feb 11, 1943 – Thursday
Another day with nothing to do so I read a book, chopped some wood and did my laundry. In the evening I played the Victrola and listened to the news. General Eisenhower made 4 star general and said that he … Continue reading
Feb 10, 1943 – Wednesday
The company had the day off today and in the afternoon we went to a Red Cross show. It was put on by some french actors. They new very little English so that made it all the better. We all … Continue reading
Feb 9, 1943 – Tuesday.
The days are much easier now as we have very little to do. The company has their roads to build and we have practically nothing to do. I made out a few requisitions today and did my laundry. We played … Continue reading
Feb 8, 1943 – Monday
I had a few odd jobs to do this morning and then I turned in my salvage. In the afternoon the company was off so I just read my book. I am reading “This above all”. Its pretty good in … Continue reading
Feb 7, 1843 – Sunday
Being as everyone is moving, there is no mass and the company had to work anyway. The first Sgt. took HQ platoon out to blow up a couple of big stumps. We blew one stump so good that we didn’t … Continue reading
Feb 6, 1943 – Saturday
Today was an easy day as we had very little to do. I wrote a few letters and read a book. In the evening, Swanson and I got beat again and now we owe $10.45 We had a lot of … Continue reading
Feb 5, 1943 – Friday
We got back in the same old groove today and didn’t have much to do except a few minor details. I had a little typing to catch up on and that was all I did today. They put up the … Continue reading
Feb 4, 1943 – Thursday
We were up at 5:00am this morning to eat breakfast and got ready to move. We loaded a ton and a half truck and I was to stay behind with the rest of the stuff. Another truck came so we … Continue reading