Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
March 15, 1943 – Monday
We had to clean house today and get our equipment down as light as possible. We will soon be going up to the front and I’m glad. I had to turn in all of our 37 mm guns & ammunition. … Continue reading
March 14, 1943 – Sunday
Everyone seem to be going toward the front so I didn’t go to mass this morning. They ran a truck into town but only so many can go. I wrote letters all morning and in the afternoon we played HQ … Continue reading
March 13, 1943 – Saturday
We just loafed around all morning but in the afternoon we played “C” Company a ball game. I pitched and only allowed 3 hits but our team made 6 errors so we lost 4 to 1. It was a good … Continue reading
March 12, 1943 – Friday
I had a little typing to do today, I had to get in some requisitions and that was about all. I cleaned about 4 machine guns and then went to eat early chow. We had chicken and I ate plenty. … Continue reading
March 11, 1943 – Thursday
Today I made out my salvage certificates and turned in my salvage. Out side of that I didn’t do a damn thing. In the evening we played the first platoon softball and we won 11 to 7. Badali pitched and … Continue reading
March 10, 1943 – Wednesday
Boy do I ever feel tired this morning. Wow my head. We received some new clothes so we had to get rid of them. Also “B” Company is moving up and I had to get some packs ready for them … Continue reading
March 9, 1943 – Tuesday
All I did today was straighten things up and do my laundry again. I pitched another ball game and won 5 to 1 allowing only 2 hits this time. I was dead tired and to top it off we had … Continue reading
March 8, 1943 – Monday
Not much happened today so there is little to write about. In the evening we had a ball game, I pitched. We won 3 to 1 and I only allowed 1 hit. Pretty good for me. I was tired so … Continue reading
March 7, 1943 – Sunday
I am going into Port Lyautey to mass this morning. I’m glad I went too as there was a Bishop there. It was a beautiful church and I heard a “High Mass” The choir sounded beautifully. There was not much … Continue reading
March 6, 1943 – Saturday
We received a bunch of clothes last night so to get out of inspection I am going to get them ready to be issued out. In the afternoon I went to the show and saw “the glass Key”. It was … Continue reading