Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
April 24, 1943 – Saturday
I am going out with the 2nd Pl. today to lay a mine field. We laid 1,500 mines and then had to go back, pick them up and lay them out in another place as they unfortunately didn’t like the … Continue reading
April 23, 1943 – Friday
We rode out about 12 miles today to practice taking out obstacles in the water. We did all types of demolition and had a good time along with our work. In all it was a plenty easy day but a … Continue reading
April 22, 1943 – Thursday
We had a pretty easily day today. We hiked down to the beach (about 7 miles) and then played around on the beach in rubber landing boats. We all had a swell time, and it was quite a change from … Continue reading
April 21, 1943 – Wednesday
We got to sleep until 7:00 AM this morning and was pretty lucky to get that much. I worked around the supply room today and the rest of the company went out to the rifle range. I wrote a few … Continue reading
April 20, 1943 – Tuesday
The same thing happened today and it was worse than yesterday. Today we made 2 landings, one in the morning that finished at 2:00 PM, and the other that started at 6:30 PM and ended at 3:00 AM. All we … Continue reading
April 19, 1943 – Monday
We were up early this morning as we were going to go on landing maneuvers. This time instead of using Higgins Boats we used big barges. We were on the medium barge and they hold 6 medium tanks and personnel. … Continue reading
April 18, 1943 – Sunday
We went out to the range in trucks today and we were to learn how to take out a pillbox. I was a demolition man. The flame throwers and we two demolition men went up a ravine with machine gun … Continue reading
April 17, 1943 – Saturday
Went out with the company again today and the 2nd Pl. was attached to the 2nd Bn of the 7th Infantry. We laid a mine field of British mines this morning and after we got them laid out we had … Continue reading
April 16, 1943 – Friday
We hiked back out today and had quite a lot of fun. We built a lot of obstacles in the water and then went out in a boat and made a landing on it. Boy when the Bangalore torpedoes go … Continue reading
April 15, 1943 – Thursday
Boy did we ever have a rugged day of it today. We hiked 6 miles down to the beach and had a course in demolition. It was mostly on British explosives. In the afternoon we had a lesson on how … Continue reading