Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
July 13, 1943 – Tuesday
We went for a hike today. We went into Bizerte. Boy that town is such a mess. They have prisoners trying to clean it up. When we got back off of the hike everyone was packing up and getting ready … Continue reading
July 12, 1943 – Monday
We are on a half hour alert now so we may move out at any moment. we didn’t do much. I went over to another outfit and got into the P.X. line. They thought I was one of them as … Continue reading
July 11, 1943 – Sunday
We are all wondering when we are going to leave, and how the fellows are making out in Sicily. I sure wish I was with them, but I will be soon enough. They seemed to be doing okay though. Wyengard … Continue reading
July 10, 1943 – Saturday
The fellows hit Sicily this morning at 3 AM. We are in a “C” ration camp and how I love “C” ration, now! We played cards all day long. Butts and I walked down to the truck after a few … Continue reading
July 9, 1943 – Friday
We are to fall out at 12 o’clock today. We played cards all morning until time we left. We moved over to Bizerte to the waterproofing area. We had to walk about 4 miles carrying a full field pack and … Continue reading
July 8 1943 -, Thursday
There is nothing to do today but lay around and play cards. In the afternoon Frenchy, Butts, Myers, and I went swimming we had to walk 5 miles and it was really hot. We went to the show tonight.
July 7, 1943 – Wednesday
Today is Rita’s birthday. I was hoping we would make the landing today. Well everything is packed now so until I get chance I will have to finish this in pencil. We moved down to Ferryville in the grouping area. … Continue reading
July 6, 1943 – Tuesday
Well last night was the night and they were sure over. I saw four planes myself shot down. The raid lasted four about 45 minutes. HQ Co. lost one truck and a motorcycle. Down at Bizerte they sank a few … Continue reading
July 5, 1943 – Monday
There hasn’t been a raid for some time now so look out tonight or tomorrow. Many of the boats are getting loaded. I didn’t do a thing today. Just sleep that is all there is to do. The days were … Continue reading
July 4, 1943 – Sunday
Boy this is the quietest Fourth of July I have ever spent in some time. I went to 9AM mass and everyone then received communion as we are going into a battle. Although we did not go to confession the … Continue reading