Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
July 23, 1943 – Friday
We packed everything up and left for the new bivouac area just this side of Palermo. Boy the roads are just full of prisoners. We got to our bivouac area just before dinner. I wrote my first letter home from … Continue reading
July 22, 1943 – Thursday
There was nothing to do but wait for them to come after us. The Italian people were coming over and giving us wine and we were giving them food in turn. They are all about starved. We must have had … Continue reading
July 21, 1943 – Wednesday
We laid around all day waiting to move. The company moved out at 6:30 PM and left myself and a couple of other men to guard the supplies & bring them up tomorrow.
July 20, 1943 – Tuesday
I went down to the Battalion for some more supplies this morning. We moved out at 1 PM for the front. We got lost from the convoy and wondered up with in range of rifle fire. We got the hell … Continue reading
July 19, 1943 – Monday
We laid around for awhile and then started out to look for the company. We found them working on a road about 20 miles from us. We found out that we have had 9 men killed and two wounded Artillery … Continue reading
July 18, 1943 – Sunday; Sicily
The sea is still calm and just as blue as blue can be. We are to land this afternoon some time. We watch a sub chaser drop depth changes for about twenty minutes. I don’t know if he got this … Continue reading
July 17, 1943 – Saturday
We are on the L.ST. 386, it’s not a bad tub, but the food is good. We just lay around and played cards all day. The water is very quiet and not an enemy in sight. Mac and I stayed … Continue reading
July 16, 1943 – Friday
We went swimming again the morning hung around the dock for awhile. They are to bring about 3,000 prisoners in today. They brought back a few casualties. I be son-of-a-gun if they didn’t load up at noon and get ready … Continue reading
July 15, 1943 – Thursday
Its a good thing we didn’t get any extra chow last night as we left this morning for the truck. We are going to stay down by the trucks now and eat “B” rations. In the evening I went swimming … Continue reading
July 14, 1943 – Wednesday
Boy everyone is sure mad that we didn’t leave yesterday this laying around is getting us. I’ll be bivouac hopping before long. We laid around all day and played cards. One fellow brought by two cans of boneless chicken so … Continue reading