Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
August 2, 1943 – Monday
We are going to move on up this morning. We move up a few miles ahead of the infantry to work on a bridge that was blown out. Man do the Germans ever blow these bridges. They are also shelling … Continue reading
August 1, 1943 – Sunday
We woke up in the morning and there was a big air raid going on. Man, I never saw so much ‘ack ack’ in the air at one time. I saw a couple of planes shot down. We moved out … Continue reading
July 31, 1943 – Saturday
Not much to do now so I guess I’ll write a few letters. I went into town this afternoon and had my pictures taken. The company came back and we loaded up to go up to the front and relieve … Continue reading
July 30, 1943 – Friday
Joe and I took Badali over to his uncles house. It was a nice drive along the coast. The kids here are getting as bad as African kids always wanting candy. I may go into Palermo again this afternoon we … Continue reading
July 29, 1943 – Thursday
We are going into Palermo this afternoon. Palermo is a very beautiful city. It has been harmed quite a bit, but in peace time it really must have been pretty. We got some champagne and ice cream and came home. … Continue reading
July 28, 1943 – Wednesday
With the company gone there is nothing to do but lay around. Went over to Battalion to get some ice cream. Had four glasses full. Listened to the radio and was on guard from 3 to 5.
July 27, 1943 – Tuesday
We unloaded the supply truck and tried to straighten things around a bit. After we had finished we sat around and talked. In the evening the company moved out to Prizzi to build a prison camp. The supply and a … Continue reading
July 26, 1943 – Monday
We have a lot of work to do today and plus that we are moving tonight. We loaded up the truck and I went down for a swim. We watched a big warship & air battle off the coast today. … Continue reading
July 25, 1943 – Sunday
I went to mass this morning and it was the craziest mass I ever went to it scared me to death. At the elevation of the host and communion they played a drum and rang a bell, I worked the … Continue reading
July 24, 1943 – Saturday
We got ready to move to Palermo. We played around until after dinner before we move. Just before we left there was a ration dump across the road from us. So about twenty fellows swiped a case of cigarettes. We … Continue reading