Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
September 11, 1943 – Saturday
We received a lot of clothes last night so now today we are issuing them out and what a job it is. We played cards in the evening until about 12 o’clock.
September 10, 1943 – Friday
I had been on guard so I slept all morning. I go back on at 12:45 A.M. Tried to work on my knife a little but soon gave up. We went to the show tonight at 8:14.
September 9, 1943 – Thursday
We had a few things to turn in to the battalion and I took them over. That was about all of the work for the day. In the evening we played nickle knock and I was on guard from 12 … Continue reading
September 8, 1943 – Wednesday
Breunig and I went to town today. We decided to hike up to the little town of Erice and see what it looked like. It was about 10 miles up on top of a mountain. It took us from 8:30 … Continue reading
September 7, 1943 – Tuesday
Nothing to do today. Just messed around. I think I will go on pass tomorrow. We played cards and drank some wine before going to the show.
September 6, 1943 – Monday
Worked most of the day. In the evening we went to the show, ‘Rio Rita’. It was pretty good. Ate a dozen eggs for supper.
September 5, 1943 – Sunday
I went in to mass today (same church). Came home and played pinochle the rest of the day. Some of the fellows went to a show the rest of us played nickle knock. Plenty of wine. We through out two … Continue reading
September 4, 1943 – Saturday
Worked around the supply in the morning and played cards all afternoon. Again this evening we had a party. Wine, wine, and more wine. We celebrated our victory here and everyone got stewed to the gills.
September 3, 1943 – Friday
All the days are just about the same now. We didn’t have any supplies to issue out. So all we do is sit around. I wrote a couple of letters, played cards and went to bed. I heard that Italy … Continue reading
September 2, 1943 – Thursday
Messed around all day nothing new happened. I went to town to see if I could get my film but didn’t get it. We went to a G I show at 6:00 P.M. It was pretty good. Came home and … Continue reading