Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
Oct 1, 1943 – Friday
Well we are moving again today. We were to move at 6:00 AM this morning but here it is 2PM and we are still sitting here. We left at 4:30 PM and arrived this side of Avellino. The people are … Continue reading
September 30, 1943 – Thursday
We left for a new area this morning our infantry is pushing ahead steady so we more just about everyday. We traveled about 32km. We pulled into an area at the foot of high mountain. The fog was so heavy … Continue reading
September 29, 1943 – Wednesday
Rain it did to, all night long and how it did flow. Trees were blew down all around us. My tent pegs puled out and my tent came down. I pulled it up by hand till it stopped raining and … Continue reading
September 28, 1943 – Tuesday
The sun was out today and halfway dried up. We are to leave today to a new bivouac area. Tanks have been going by all day long. There is a plane out a head so they expect a tank battle. … Continue reading
September 27, 1943 – Monday
Boy did it rain last night. I have been in a lot of hard rain but nothing like this. It rained all night long and up until noon today. Tents were washed away and just about everyone’s sleeping bag was … Continue reading
September 26, 1943 – Sunday
The company moved out today and left us behind. We are to stay until they come back for us. Played a little cards that’s about all. It’s been a cloudy and rained a little all day. The rainy season will … Continue reading
September 25, 1943 – Saturday
We not only have to worry about enemy artillery but are own artillery are having their shells timed wrong and they are breaking just over our heads. One hunk of shrapnel hit about 10 feet from me. You could hear … Continue reading
September 24, 1943 – Friday
We were strafed this morning by six Jerry planes. I made a dive behind a bank of dirt. I could see the tracers firing from their guns. Watched a dog fight. Also heard that two of the planes that strafed … Continue reading
September 23, 1943 – Thursday
We are going to move this morning. We are bivouac just out side of Acerno. As usual the artillery is shelling over the top of us. One place we found here was where a German got hit by a 155mm, … Continue reading
September 22, 1943 – Wednesday
The platoons are working out now. Maybe I’ll go up with one of them. We had some work to do so I didn’t go. The artillery has been shelling behind us all day. Some shrapnel hit in the area. The … Continue reading