Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
December 10, 1943 – Friday
Took shortage all day. Went down to the Battalion after some more clothes. In the evening we went to the show. “Keeper of the Flame” very good. Late when I got home went to bed.
December 9, 1943 – Thursday
Rumors are flying that we will be back in action Monday, but I doubt it. We were told to get our leggins marked so that’s a pretty good sign. We worked around all day and at night we played some … Continue reading
December 8, 1943 – Wednesday
Not much to do today. Bundled up some underwear today and that was about all. Started working on an Engineer requisition and then went to look for coal. Stopped off at the 30th Infantry to see if I could find … Continue reading
December 7, 1943 – Tuesday
Two years ago today war started. I hope I am home by this time next year. Who knows? Worked around in the supply room got in a few more clothes. Got paid. Went to a Sex Hygiene picture and also … Continue reading
December 6, 1943 – Monday
It has been raining all day. The mud is so bad in the supply room that we went after some gravel to put on the floor. In the evening I popped some corn that Es and Harry sent me. Boy … Continue reading
December 5, 1943 – Sunday
Went to mass this morning at 9:00 AM. Had a mail call and I received two packages one from May and one from Marie Sass. Had another mail call in the afternoon and I got three more bringing my total … Continue reading
December 4, 1943 – Saturday
Still raining. Boy did it rain last night. The Volturno river is way out of its banks. Nothing new to write about. Painted a 3rd Division patch on my helmet. Read a while and went to bed.
December 3, 1943 – Friday
The sun was out for about an hour today and that was all. Vince came home from a 5 day pass. Added a few jugs to our collection for Christmas. Sat around and listened to the stories he had to … Continue reading
December 2, 1943 – Thursday
It rained all day again today. Boy is it miserable. Worked around the supply room and wrote a few letters. Played a game of chess and went to bed.
December 1, 1943 – Wednesday
25 days until Christmas. I wonder if we will be in combat by then. No one knows. It rained all day. We put some sand bags in our tent so it wouldn’t be so muddy. It snowed up in the … Continue reading