Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
December 30, 1943 – Thursday
We worked all morning packing the trucks and tearing down the tents. We left at 11:45 AM. I rode up on top of the truck and just about froze. We are just about a mile and a half 30from the … Continue reading
December 29, 1943 – Wednesday
It is still plenty cold. We stayed in the supply room all day. Not much doing. We are going to leave tomorrow to go back to Naples. Looks like another landing coming up. Went to the show, then came home … Continue reading
December 28, 1943 – Tuesday
Boy it is ever cold out. The ground is froze solid. The wind is blowing hard and it’s really miserable out. We worked on three time forms all day. Played cards at night, read a little and went to bed.
December 27, 1943 – Monday
It’s very cold and rainy today. Rumors are that we are moving. the rain stopped but the wind is blowing hard and it’s cold. We played a little cards and then went to bed.
December 26, 1943 – Sunday
It is snowing up in the Mts. this morning. I am going to 10 AM mass. Worked most of the afternoon. Played chess until supper time and then went to the show. It sure is cold out and I’m about … Continue reading
December 25, 1943 – Saturday
Christmas Day and oh what a head I have. Wow! I didn’t get up until 9:00AM and then I beat it down to HQ company to mass. Boy do I feel terrible. We had a swell time last night and … Continue reading
December 24, 1943 – Friday
Today is Christmas Eve. It has been raining all day so we were not in the spirit at all. We have been working all day and the company has to put a bridge across the Volturno river tonight. “B” company … Continue reading
December 23, 1943 – Thursday
Not much to do today. Just a few odd jobs. Received two more packages today. It has been raining all day. There is a show tonight guess I’ll go. Just got home from the show. It’s still raining and is … Continue reading
December 22, 1943 – Wednesday
It is still raining. Its cold and miserable. Had to unload the 4 ton to get some boats out to practice a river crossing. Wrote a few letters and read until bed time.
December 21, 1943 – Tuesday
It rained all night and has been raining all day today. Worked around doing odd jobs, all day. Played cards tonight and broke even. Read a little and went to bed.