Your Son, ‘Chick’
Category Archives: Diary
January 9, 1944 – Sunday
Went to mass this morning at 10:30 am. We have mass said in a little church so I was elected to pass the hat. I wrote a few letters in the afternoon. We played cards and I lost again.
January 8, 1944 – Saturday
Had a mail call today and I’m beginning to get a little of my mail. I took off my sweater to wash this morning and found about five little bugs (the crawling kind). Right away I took off for the … Continue reading
January 7, 1944 – Friday
It was cold as hell this morning. I stayed in the tent and worked on the 32 forms all day. We played cards for a while tonight and I lost about six dollars.
January 6, 1944 – Thursday
Man is it ever cold this morning. Wow! everything is froze solid. Stayed in the supply room most of the day. Paul Wilson dropped in to see me today. I was surely surprised to see him. I straightened up the … Continue reading
January 5, 1944 – Wednesday
It’s getting a little colder to day. Not much going on around the supply room. We got in a few clothes, chopped some wood and played poker. About 8 o’clock I received a long distance phone call Paul Wilson. I … Continue reading
January 4, 1944 – Tuesday
Today was a pretty dull day. I fixed our lights and chopped a little wood for the stove. We had a mail call and pay call today also. Tonight we are going on a hike. We walked about 6 miles … Continue reading
January 3, 1944 – Monday
Worked around the supply room all morning and in the afternoon I went out with the 2nd platoon and pulled mines. They are clearing the beaches so we can get ready to practice landings. It looks like Southern France for … Continue reading
January 2, 1944 – Sunday
We worked today. I tried to go to Mass but couldn’t make it. Boy is it ever cold. It has rained off and on all day. I tried to write a few letters and soon went to bed I wind … Continue reading
January 1, 1944 – Saturday
Up at 7:00AM this morning. The wind blowed all night and it’s cold & snowing this morning. We chopped a lot of wood for our fire and then sweated out chow. We had a real dinner. Turkey, same as Christmas. … Continue reading
December 31, 1943 – Friday
New Year’s Eve. We had to move our tent over to the other side of the road. It has been cold and rainy all day. We sat around and drank wine and played cards until midnight. And then everyone but … Continue reading