Letter Home – January 30, 1943

Dear Mother and Dad
It has been a few days since I have wrote to you so I guess I had better get on the job. It sure get stale telling the same thing over and over again but we can’t tell much anyway. President Roosevelt was here a couple of weeks ago, and we had to wait till he got back to the United States before we could tell it. We had a parade for him. The days here now are really swell now that the rainy season is over. The nights are very cold bell and that base warm. I’m telling you when I get out of bed of a morning I just about freeze.
We had mail call yesterday and I received some letters that you had wrote the 27th of December. I also heard from “G” to. I received a candy and I don’t know how I can never thank you enough. It is worth more than all the money in Africa. Did you ever send me a watch. I want just a cheap one. The Germans took everything here. I am anxious to get some new mail from all of you. That’s one thing I look forward to. It should be and, a few days. I had a cold for a couple of days but I’m over it now. It doesn’t take long here to get rid of them. Say could you are dead get some film, size PD-16 or 616. I have my camera but won’t be able to get the pictures home until after the war send me as many as you can but not over 10 rolls you may not be able to get it as they may not have it. I’m glad too here that you had a nice Christmas, but I wish I was there. Maybe I will next Christmas. I have so many letters to write I don’t know when I will get them all answered. I haven’t heard of Paul’s outfit been here so I don’t know where he is. I took a physical examination the other day for my insurance policy. Did I ever tell you that I increased it to $10,000. Send me Sunday papers if you will please, and if you send me anything be sure if it”s wrapped good as they really get torn up. The candy was good though. What are you and dad doing? Have you got him to go to a show with few yet. A good buy an I will have some more for you later. goodbye and don’t worry.
Your Son “Chick”

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