Letter Home – March 11, 1944

19440311-Lscan-600My Dear Mother & Dad,

Here I am again with nothing to say. I hope the last letter I wrote will be sufficient. Those long letters are pretty hard for me, ha ha. I received 9 more rolls of film from you and some comic books from Gee. Since I have been here my film is beginning to pile up. My camera only works part of the time and I have taken about all the pictures I can on the beachhead. So I got hold of another little camera and if you can find any 50mm film roles send them to me. I wrote to Harry & Es and asked them if they could find a camera also for me so you write to them and see what he says. Things here are about the same. I guess the news papers keep you informed of what is happening. Guess I had better sign off for now. I am fine and in in good health. Hope you both are the same. Write when you have time & I love you both.

Your Son

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