Letter Home – July 8, 1945

19450708a-Lscan-600Dear Mother & Dad;

We left Salzburg the 6th of July, and it took us two days to get to our zone of occupation. We are in a small village about 24 miles from Kassel, Germany. We are to take up M.P. duties now.

It was sure hard for me to leave Salzburg, because it was just like another home to me the way I was treated. Lore’s Mother and Grandmother cried about the way you did when I left home. I’ll never for get those people mom, never. Poor Lore cried for three days. I must have really had her snowed under. What gets me, she wouldn’t have anything to do with any of the other Americans, 19450708b-Lscan-600and then after she fell in love with me, she didn’t have much to do with anyone.

She worked in the daytime and then would come home at night and work late doing my washing and ironing. To be honest with both of you, if this fraternization was off I would have married her. She proved one thing to me, and that’s that I don’t love Rita. I always thought I did, but now I know I don’t. I am sold on this girl, and there’s no way in the world I can do anything about it. I’ll be home soon, and I can talk and tell you more about it than I can put in a letter.

Say I have sent home a lot of junk. Keep all of it for me. It 19450708c-Lscan-600would be best if you would keep it all in the boxes until I get home, as I’ll probably give some of it away. Your present is among one of the boxes mom, and I must say it’s worth a small fortune. Someday I would like to have it for my home. I showed it two Lore and her folks, and were they ever crazy about it. Not only is it a souvenir from Hitler, but it’s something everyone one would be fond of. All I hope and pray is that it gets home and no one steals it. I really can’t say how much it’s worth, but you probably will know more than I about it. It’s all handmade.

We have a nice set up where we are now. We are in a large hotel. This is a health resort town. It’s full of mineral 19450708d-Lscan-600baths and such. Guess I’ll go down and try a one out tomorrow.

We have little work to do now so maybe I can get caught up on my letter writing a little. I owe so many letters, and I just know the people think I have forgotten them.

Guess this is all I have to say for now so I’ll bring this to a close. Good by to you both and don’t get too excited about me coming home. It’s a slow process all though the army makes it sound as if they are sending everyone home, but there not. Good by and I love you both very much.

All My Love
Your Son

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